Futura Light gafqt
0.1 - Futura Light gafqt
Poppins Extra Light No Fees g a f q t
Questrial g a f q t
Brandon Grotesque g a f q t
Forum g a f q t
Lato Light g a f q t
Open Sans g a f q t
Spinnaker g a f q t
Verdana g a f q t
Work Sans Extra Light g a f q t
BOLD Work Sans Extra Light g a f q t
Avenir Light g a f q t
Barlow Extra Light g a f q t
DIN Next Light g a f q t
Helvetica Light g a f q t
Montserrat g a f q t
Play g a f q t
Proxima Nova g a f q t
Roboto Thin g a f q t
BOLD Roboto Thin g a f q t
Tahoma g a f q t
Verdana g a f q t
Spending of funds is confined to approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the board, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.
In 2011 I met Maria - an abandoned HIV positive mother of 5 who had lost 2 children and was caring for the surviving 3 in her tiny mud and stick home. Maria's bravery and need changed my life irreversibly. In 2012 our family returned to help Maria and her village. Love a Village is coming to life out of the beauty and heartache of so many friends like Maria. We're not about handouts. Our vision is to cultivate hope one village at a time.
- Julie Seath - Founder of Love a Village Mission
Love a Village Mission is a not for profit charity bringing hope to villages in Africa of becoming independent and self-reliant. We accomplish this by working with local leaders to uncover resources and providing basic needs such as food, water & education. The cycle of poverty can be broken by helping villagers earn income to use towards their education and by providing educational scholarships to succeed in securing careers to provide income.
Education is required to earn money and money is required to get an education. Love a Village provides access to both in order to attain the other.
2 weeks
To goal: $4,100
education is a right for each and every child
are currently being used in Uganda & Kenya. For more information on them and why they are being used, click here.
If using PayPal - insert name of person you're supporting in comments in PayPal.
Other methods - email us to let us know you have made a donation.
for every year of schooling, a girl's future income can increase by 15-25%
62,000,000 girls in the world are not in school
1 out of 5 girls are not in school