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Malawi 2017 - November Edition

We are absolutely thrilled to have this small, dynamic powerhouse team joining Love a Village to serve in Malawi this November! Along with Julie, they will each be investing their unique gifts and time as they observe and participate in the implementation of our projects.


Learning is at the heart of serving on a Love a Village team. As teams join in village life in Luhomero, they add to our understanding of both the capacity and significant needs in the community. Each team strengthens our partnership with our wonderful Malawian friends and builds our capacity to cultivate hope.


Please join us in praying for this terrific team!

Hi! My name is Phyllis Hendriks. I am Julie's mother and I am absolutely thrilled to be coming on the next trip to Malawi. Both John and I are extremely proud of Julie and her vision for Malawi. Now I will have a chance to see the work first hand instead of through Facebook and newsletters!


It wasn't so long ago when a group of us sat around the dining room table where Julie shared her vision for a community in Northern Malawi where some of the world's most impoverished people live. I have been so amazed to watch the work in Malawi slowly unfold over the past four years. Projects have been initiated and completed, water filters have continued to flourish, along with educational workshops on how to use them, sewing machines have been purchased so girls can sew up their own sanitary pads (which a lovely lady in Stratford has been cutting up for them), two houses have been built, with verandahs added, hygiene and health issues, as well as farming are continuously addressed through workshops, safe shelters are modelled and the list goes on!


God is indeed at work in this part of Malawi! I can't wait to go!

Oma Phyllis

Hi, I'm Lydia! I am a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mother to three young children, and I work as a nurse.  I have been watching, supporting, and praying for Love a Village since the very beginning of it's conception in Julie's mind, and I am so excited to finally be able to join her in Malawi and meet the people I have heard SO much about!  


When Julie returned from her first trip to Malawi she was full of excitement to share her experiences and to help the people of Malawi.  I felt a deep desire in my heart to join what she was doing; not just financially, but giving of my own self.  However, for the past 5 years I have either been pregnant or had children too dependent on me to be able to leave them for an extended period of time!  So I participated as much as I could here at home, and excitedly watched Julie grow on her faith journey.


This November will be different though; it's time for me to test my faith, step out in obedience to God's nudging, and finally join Julie in Malawi!  2 Timothy 1:7 says "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  I will not let my fears prevent me from obeying the Lord, and I look forward to what He has in store for me on this trip!

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Zina lane indine Julie.


This is my 6th year in Malawi, and I am slowly learning some of the important phrases in the community's vernacular language. Things like, "Hello, my name is Julie. What is your name? It's nice to meet you." And even more important things like, "Where is the toilet?" And "kasukusuku" - which means "elbow". Always a great ice breaker! Laughter is highly valued in Malawi, and so I aim to gain it often. Elbows, noses and bellybuttons are always a sure thing!


I simply adore visiting my friends in Malawi on a regular basis. My visits are vital to our work as they help to build and strengthen good, strong and trustworthy relationships. More and more people recognize us (Love a Village and our partnering NGO, Rural Development Partners) and are coming to trust us and what we are doing. We work hard to build friendships, knowing how important that is to ensure our work is taken seriously. We don't give handouts. We want our friends to learn to do things for themselves, resulting in a better future for themselves and generations to come. Trust is a key component to their success.


I'm over the moon to be going with my MOM!! and one of my close friends Lyds!! I can't wait to introduce everyone to each other!!


I look forward to what God has in store on this trip, as He continues to broaden and deepen my understanding of what it means to take care of the poor.

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