Organic Honey
(angel not included)
This is a 350ml jar of organic honey made in Richmond Hill, ON by friends of Love a Village. They have donated 24 jars of this golden yumminess! While you are enjoying it on toast, or in tea or coffee, remember the thousands of people in Luhomero, Malawi who live with food insecurity every day. All donations from this organic honey support projects in Northern Malawi, empowering villagers to escape extreme poverty and live independently.
The three pieces of fabric tied on the handle of this honey box can remind you, and two friends, of the villagers in Luhomero.
Why not invite the person who gave you this gift and a friend for a visit? Share the honey to sweeten tea or coffee, or spread it on toast or a scone. While you're together, take time to visit Love a Village online where you'll learn how our projects are helping to cultivate hope one village at a time, empowering over 4,000 people to escape extreme poverty and live independently. Remember to give your friends a piece of fabric! Attach it to your key rings as a reminder of the sweet villagers of Luhomero, Malawi.