What a great way to keep the villagers of Luhomero always in mind! Information about each photo is on the back.
24 jars of yummy goodness have been donated to Love a Village. While you are enjoying it on toast, or in tea or coffee, remember the thousands of people in Luhomero who live with food insecurity every day. (angel not included)
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Have you ever thought about making your gift stretch a whole year?! What a fantastic idea knowing that you're giving a gift each month in honour of someone this Christmas.
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Sawyer filters are finding their ways into many homes already! Our hope is to see almost every household with one! Clean water is a right and necessity for healthy living. Right now, SAWYER will match your filter purchase.​
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Most of the villagers are travelling numerous times a day, up to 1.5 hours each trip, to fetch clean water for cooking, drinking and bathing. Love a village desires to see each of the villages with enough to serve their families.​
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For thousands in Luhomero, food will run have run out until harvest next Spring. Traditional farming practices have many disadvantages. Love a Village is supporting food security through new farming techniques (Foundations For Farming) and animals.
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People are still dying from poor hygiene practices. Empowering villagers to build proper chimbuzis (toilets) and tippy taps (washing stations), will help keep villagers healthy.​
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Many homes are thatched. Leaving families vulnerable to the elements of sun and wind. Fire is what took the roof of this home. Our desire and goal is to see each home with tin roofing.
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It cannot be expressed adequately enough the importance of investing in girls and young women! Educating them with a skill to start by helping them with hygiene, empowers them endlessly. Knowledge will help them escape extreme poverty and all that goes along with it.
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